Hampshire Down rams are the modern and intelligent choice of terminal sire at a time when the commercial farmer is looking to reduce inputs and increase margins. Cross-bred lambs are fast growing with exceptional feed conversion rates and the ability to finish off milk and grass without the need for concentrates. They will finish at target dead-weights from 12 weeks and grade within the preferred specification.
Hampshire breeders have embraced performance recording allowing them over the last 20 years to produce faster growing lambs with a longer, leaner, more muscled carcase.

Hampshire Down sired lambs have topped various eating quality trials over the country in the past five years.

Average 380 grams daily live weight gain, best producers have seen up to 800 grams per day
Average 14 weeks finish off milk and pasture
Easy to lamb and easy to identify. Lambs are very lively.

Description of a Hampshire Down Sheep
Face and ears of a rich dark brown — approaching to black, well covered with wool over the poll. A clear passage in front of the eye is essential. Intelligent, bright, full eye. Ears well set on, fairly long and slightly curved. In Rams, a bold masculine head is an essential feature.
Neck of strong muscular growth, not too long, and well placed on gradually sloping and closely fitting shoulders.
Deep and symmetrical with the ribs well sprung, broad straight back, flat loins, full dock, wide rump, deep and heavily developed legs of mutton and breast.
Strongly jointed and powerful legs of the same colour as face, set well apart, the hocks and knees not bending towards each other. Feet sound and short in the hoof
White, of moderate length, close and fine texture, extending over the forehead and belly, the scrotum of Rams being well covered. Suggested wool count 56’s—56’s
Pink and flexible
White specks on face, ears and legs
Thick, coarse ears
Black wool
Coarse wool on breeches
Protruding or short under-jaw
Excessive strength and loose skin over neck